During a recent professional development session among middle level science teachers, we pondered the criteria for an excellent research question. Powerful ideas emerged from our collective thinking.
Investigating Heating and Cooling Rates |
An excellent research question:
- clearly identifies variables that will be tested
- helps visualize/identify equipment and materials needed to perform tests
- provides information about data that can be collected during the test
- is related to background information and observations
- reveals thinking about causes and effects
- is realistic, real world, and testable
- uses specific content vocabulary
There was a palpable feeling of accomplishment and pride at the end of our collaborative session, as we celebrated our continued progress in developing a common vision for authentic and meaningful science learning in our school district.
I know that professional development days can often cause inconvenience for parents, but providing quality collaboration time for teachers is a worthy investment in our children's education. Thank you for indulging us in these rich and rewarding professional experiences.